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Drop-Off Recycling

The Authority has established over 20 recycling drop-off sites throughout the county. This service is provided at no charge to county residents. The materials generally collected at these sites includes: aluminum and steel cans; newspaper; corrugated cardboard; and #1 through #7 plastic bottles and jugs. Several of the satellite sites also collect magazines and mixed paper. The Authority's drop-off facility also accepts: mixed paper; motor oil, and car batteries.

A listing of county drop-off sites is provided in the table below. Please note that the table does not reflect commercial or institutional drop-off sites.

Clinton County Municipal Drop-Off Recycling Sites
CCSWA Recycling Center, McElhattenA/S/T, NP, PL, CB, OP, JM, MG, PB, MO, BA, AF, GB, RB
Bald Eagle Township BuildingA/S/T, NP, PL, CB, OP, JM, MG, PB
Beech Creek Borough BuildingA/S/T, NP, PL, CB, OP, JM, MG, PB
Castanea Township BuildingA/S/T, NP, PL, CB, OP, JM, MG, PB
Chapman Township BuildingA/S/T, NP, PL, CB, OP, JM, MG, PB
City of Lock HavenA/S/T, NP, PL, CB, OP, JM, MG, PB
Crawford Township BuildingA/S/T, NP, PL, CB, OP, JM, MG, PB
Colebrook Township BuildingA/S/T, NP, PL
Gallagher Township BuildingA/S/T, NP, PL, CB, OP, JM, MG, PB
Greene Township BuildingA/S/T, NP, PL, CB, OP, JM, MG, PB
Lamar Township BuildingA/S/T, NP, PL, CB, OP, JM, MG, PB
Leidy Township Building - CrossforkA/S/T, PL
Leidy Township Building - TamarackA/S/T, PL, CB
Loganton Borough BuildingA/S/T, NP, PL, CB, OP, JM, MG, PB
Logan Township BuildingA/S/T, NP, PL, CB, OP, JM, MG, PB
Mill Hall Borough BuildingA/S/T, NP, PL, CB, OP, JM, MG, PB
Pine Creek Township - Chatham RunA/S/T, NP, PL, CB, OP, MG, JM, PB
Pine Creek Township - HarrislandA/S/T, NP, PL, CB, OP, MG, JM, PB
Porter Township Building - 304 Peach Orchard RdA/S/T, NP, PL, OP, CB, JM, MG, PB
Renovo Borough - 13635 Renovo Rd (Dollar General)A/S/T, NP, PL, CB, OP, MG, JM, PB
Swissdale - United Methodist ChurchA/S/T, NP, PL, CB, OP, JM, MG, PB
Walmart - Hogan BoulevardA/S/T, NP, PL, CB, OP, MG, JM, PB
A/S/T - Alum, Steel, Tin cans
NP - Newspaper
PL - #1 thru #7 plastic bottles and jugs
AF - Antifreeze
RB - Residential Batteries
MG - Magazines
CB - Corrugated Cardboard
MO - Motor Oil
PB - Paperboard
OP - Office Paper
JM - Junk Mail
BA - Vehicle Batteries
GB - Glass Bottles and Jars

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