Wayne Township Landfill

Household Hazardous Waste

Household Hazardous Waste

Our Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event was held on August 20th and 21st, 2021. The two day event was open to all Clinton County residents and Lycoming County residents whose township borders Clinton County free of charge. Over 8,200 pounds of material was collected during this event. Most townships participated with over 100 households participating in the free collection event. The Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event was a success and the next event will take place on July 26, 2025.

Reminder: We accept used motor oil and vehicle batteries at our recycling center during normal business hours free of charge!

Wayne Township Landfill John B. Hoy, Jr. Memorial Charity Golf Tournament

Wayne Township Landfill John B. Hoy, Jr. Memorial Charity Golf Tournament

The Authority would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the participants and sponsors of this year’s tournament which raised $18,000 for three (3) local organizations. The monies were given to the Central Mountain Middle School Back Pack Program, Susquehanna Health Foundation and Lock Haven Area Shoe Bank. Congratulations to everyone involved. The Authority has been truly blessed with loyal customers, vendors and friends which have allowed us to donate over $202,000 to local charities in our neighborhood over the course of the last 21 years. Thank you! If your organization is interested in being a beneficiary of our tournament for 2022, please feel free to contact us at 570-769-6977 or look for our ad in the Express and the Record requesting letters of interest in April of 2022.

Clinton County Residential Tire Collection Event

Clinton County Residential Tire Collection Event

On May 14th and 15th the Authority held another Tire Collection Event. In addition to Clinton County residents, ten townships from Lycoming County were also invited to participate. The event was very successful. Over 400 residents participated from 27 of 29 County municipalities. The event collected over 4,800 tires, bringing the total number of tires collected since 2003 to nearly 96,000 tires! Thank you to everyone who helped to make this event a successful one.

Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event August 20th and 21st

Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event August 20th and 21st

The Solid Waste Authority will be holding a Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection event on Saturday, July 20th, tentatively from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm, at the Authority’s Recycling Center in Wayne Township.

Examples of items accepted include:

• Pool Chlorine
• Brake Fluid
• Paint Remover
• Pesticides
• Weed Killers
• Garden Chemicals
• Fertilizers
• Rechargeable Batteries
• Vehicle Batteries
• Deodorizers
• Cleaners
• Bleaches
• Aerosol Cans
• Spot Removers
• Drain Cleaners
• Motor Oil
• Antifreeze

Latex & Oil based paint will not be accepted at this collection event.

All Clinton County and select Lycoming County Municipality homeowners or residential tenants are eligible to bring their HHW waste to the collection site.

Due to regulatory requirements, business, commercial and industrial entities are not eligible.



Each year the Wayne Township Landfill holds the John B. Hoy, Jr. Memorial Charity Golf Tournament, which benefits one or two Clinton County non-profit or charitable organizations. The golf tournament has donated over $165,000 to 38 local charities over the last 19 years.

The Wayne Township Landfill is currently accepting Letters of Interest from Clinton County non-profit and charitable organizations, of which one or two will be chosen by the Clinton County Solid Waste Authority Board of Directors to be the benefactors of this year’s golf tournament scheduled for Friday, September 25 th at the Clinton Country Club. All interested parties should provide a letter detailing what the organization does and who it benefits. Please be specific. Letters can be emailed to thresa@ waynetwplandfill.com or mailed to Thresa Lingenfelter at the landfill office, P.O. Box 209, McElhattan, PA 17748 or faxed to Thresa’s attention at 570-769-7366. The deadline is May 29, 2020.

Termination of Glass Bottle Recycling

Termination of Glass Bottle Recycling

After much deliberation, the Clinton County Solid Waste Authority will no longer be collecting or accepting glass bottles for recycling starting January 1, 2016. Glass bottle recycling has been a part of our recycling program since the early 1990s, but as a result of continuing negative economics, high contamination rates, operational hardships, and limited markets we will no longer subsidize recycling of this commodity.

Overall, recycling is a commodity business where the recyclables are sold to be reprocessed into new products that run the gamut from roadways to bottles and cans to fiberglass and apparel. Prices for recyclables are so low today that it is tough to cover capital expenses and operating costs associated with recycling. As any business, recycling programs need to operate in a cost-effective and environmentally sound manner. The dramatic swings in global commodity pricing and other economic factors have affected recycling businesses nationwide and are forcing managers to make difficult decisions regarding the materials collected and recycled by their programs.

Overall it is typically more expensive for municipalities to recycle glass bottles than it is to send the material to a landfill. For example, recycled glass bottles have been approved as an alternative to using raw materials for manufactured sand. The cost for utilizing glass in this application is typically 3 times higher than purchasing sand, with the same characteristics, from the local quarry. If a contractor has the option on which material to use, nine times out of ten the price will be the deciding factor.

As we strive to make our recycling program sustainable we will continue to make the difficult decisions such as the elimination of glass bottle recycling. Please look for additional information during the upcoming weeks regarding this change to our recycling program.

New Recycling Drop Off Site at Gallagher Township Building

New Recycling Drop Off Site at Gallagher Township Building

The CCSWA has opened a new recycling drop off site at the Gallagher Township Building located at 11837 Coudersport Pike. This site is open to all residents in the area and is accessible 24 hours a day. This recycling location accepts aluminum and tin cans, plastic bottles/jugs coded 1-7, newspaper, office paper, junk mail, catalogs, magazines and paperboard, as well as corrugated cardboard. Please separate your newspaper from the other types of recyclable paper.

This location offers brochures on what and how to recycle, please be sure to take one, so you can help us keep this area free of materials we are not able to take. If you have questions please feel free to call us at 570-769-6977. Thank you for recycling!

SWANA International Road-e-o

SWANA International Road-e-o

WTL is proud of the five emplyees who earned the right to compete at the international level of the Solid Waste Association of North America’s (SWANA) heavy equipment and truck road-eo held in Georgia

Chase Weise placed first in the hal truck, Cole Alexander placed first in the loader, Dave Kessling placed second in the dozer, Eric Dixon, Sr. placed third in the tractor trailer, and Cody Alexander received an honorable mention in the compactor.

John B. Hoy, JR Memorial Golf Tournament

John B. Hoy, Jr. Memorial Golf Tournament

Each year the Wayne Township Landfill holds the John B. Hoy, Jr. Memorial Charity Golf Tournament, which benefits Clinton County non-profit or charitable organizations. Including this year, the golf tournament has donated over $130,000.00 to 32 local charities over the last 16 years.

The Clinton County’s Solid Waste Authority’s Board of Directors chose the Clinton County Shrine Club and In Your Shoes to be the benefactors of this year’s golf tournament, which was held on September 30th.

The Authority would like to take this opportunity to thank our customers and vendors for their continued support for our tournament. Without them this tournament would not be as successful.

Mark your calendars for April 1st as we will again be accepting letters of interest to be the benefactors of next years’ tournament.

The Clinton County Solid Waste Authority Board of Directors chose the Renovo Library, The Clinton County Women’s Center, and the Infant Development Program, Inc. to be the benefactors of this year’s golf tournament scheduled for Friday, September 25th.

Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event

Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event

Our 8th Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event was held in August 2015 and was an incredible success. The two day event was open to all Clinton County residents free of charge including nine Lycoming County Townships who were invited thanks in part to our generous corporate sponsors. Over 130 households participated in the collection event and over nearly 12,000 pounds of HHW was collected. We also collected over 200 gallons of used motor oil and 600 pounds of vehicle batteries. Just a reminder, used motor oil and vehicle batteries can be dropped off at our recycling center anytime during normal working hours.