McElhatten – The Clinton County Solid Waste Authority is moving forward on its landfill expansion project to create a cell liner and cap on the west end of the southside landfill.
The landfill is situated on both the north and south sides of Route 220. According to Landfill Manager Jay Alexander, the project, years in the making from permit application to actual construction, is designed to meet the immediate and future needs of the county when it comes to trash disposal.
In October 2010, the landfill received an expansion permit from the state Department of Environmental Protection to renew the closed section north of Route 220. Permission was granted to expand by 13.2 million cubic yards of disposal space, a move that will extend the life of the site by several decades.
The authority had submitted the expansion application in November 2007.
The work includes removing all waste in an older, unlined portion of the landfill. That waste will then be placed in lined portions of the site, DEP said.